Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Marketing With Product Launch Formula

So what is Jeff Walkers product anyway? What is this "Something Else" that Jeff's Walker's "Product Launch Formula" is actually about its about Marketing?

It's about "Events" that pre-launch your product or even your website.

Jeff Walkers formula is all about creating an "Event", and then marketing
that one-time event to an ever growing crowd. You market it right
up until "launch" day, when you start getting orders literally the very
INSTANT you open your cart. NOT because people necessarily want
your product - that's because you caused a response the reason they buy from
you at ALL. It's because they want to be part of the EVENT you've created a want
to be part of it. And because it's a singular event, they've just got the ONE SHOT.

This is the true genius at the heart of Jeff's Walkers techniques.

When you go here to watch Jeff's "Blueprint" video, you'll hear him
talk about an idea he had called the "sideways sales letter".

The idea is, you take a traditional long-form, copy-heavy direct sales
letter. Let's say it's 30 pages long. It's filled with bullet points and
sub-heads and benefits, testimonials, etc. - all the stuff it
should have...

Jeff's idea is that you turn that letter physically sideways, and
instead of a loooooong scrolling 30 page letter, you break it up into
30 DAYS of content.

By doing this you essentially trade SPACE (the long, long, long
copy from your old-style sales page) for TIME. It's literally mapped
out to the calendar.

So what would have been a suggestive (but passive) "Buy Now"
button at the bottom of your letter...

It magically becomes a VERY LITERAL "Buy Now" EVENT. It's
not just a mere suggestion that you go ahead and buy now. It
means buy NOW - TODAY! The Event you've been hearing
about, that you've been WAITING FOR? It's happening - so go
NOW NOW NOW... etc. etc. Now this is marketing at its best.

Do you understand how powerful this idea is?

By its very nature, real-time, real-world events have many of the
strongest marketing persuasion tactics built-in. You don't have to
make sure they're in your copy. You won't mess up if you leave
them out of your marketing mind map. They are just
automatically there.

Things like marketing:

* Scarcity and Exclusivity
* Repetition of Messaging
* The Power of Participation and Social Pressure

Those are just three of the marketing techniques he uses. If you left those
elements out of your sales copy during a non-event-based launch,
have missed a major marketing strategy.

However, if you follow an event-based roll-out for your marketing project, it
becomes literally IMPOSSIBLE for you to forget about them. Even
if you do the launch BADLY, you still have all these powerful
marketing triggers working for you.

Scarcity or exclusivity is already heavily implied when you are counting down to a
specific date and time in marketing technique.

You automatically get the benefit of repeat messaging because you
do not have to make excuses to mail your list. No more wracking
your brain to think of ways to remind them that you have a product
for sale. The build-up to the event is all the reason you need.

Psychologists know that people show affinity for groups they
participate in this is your marketing advantage. By doing an event-based launch, you're
getting participation in advance (with all the blog commenting and survey
feedback and whatnot). Not only that, you're INVITING them to
"participate" in your launch by buying your product on launch day.
Invitations are another powerful marketing trigger, also.

See, when you use Jeff's "Product Launch Formula" your product
becomes an EVENT. Event marketing is superior to product
marketing, even at the simplest test. Ask yourself, which is more
likely to be a product sold without an announcement or the one you build up to like the new cars coming next year?

You already know the answer.

This is the type of marketing Jeff Walkers "Product Launch Formula" is about.
It's not really about product launches it' all about marketing.
Best to Your success in marketing,
Peter Nikolauson

P.S. Be sure you opt-in on Jeff' Walkers video page to watch Part 2 of the
"Blueprint" video as well as Part 1.


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